
Kentaro Organics

A hair care brand that helps women have long & healthy hair. Amazing packaging & very good products

  • 01Name of brand

    Kentaro Organics

  • 02Where you can find it


  • 03Type of product

    Health & Wellness

  • 04Product Packaging

    Their packaging is very attractive and beautiful. Each bottle contains an amazing logo and instructions on how to use the products.

  • 05Shelf Life

    2 days

  • 06Shipping

    Delivery is nationwide

  • 07Customer Service


  • 08Overall MadeIn! Score


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We are collating intentional reviews of the best brands and products from Africa so you can discover them here. MadeIn! provides increased publicity and patronage to FMCG businesses that either serve Africans or are built by Africans. We use our platform to connect brands to local and global consumers.